Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Truth About Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is about more than just choosing healthy food. It's about choosing the food that's healthy for your body's needs.
  • Do you have a fast metabolism or a slow metabolism?
  • Is your body chemistry balanced, or do you have vitamin and mineral imbalances?
  • Do you have tendencies to food allergies? Are your food allergies related to too much copper or is it a histamine reaction?
  • Do you have an overactive or an underactive thyroid gland?

There are different foods that you should eat and different foods that you should avoid for each of these situations.

For example, if you have food allergies related to too much copper in your tissues, you may crave high copper foods like chocolate, crab, almonds, lobster, shrimp, peanut butter and trout. But these are foods that will aggravate your condition and you should avoid them.

If you have food allergies related to histamine, it may cause respiratory-type allergic reactions. You should avoid foods like apples, blueberries, strawberries, green beans, sweet potatoes, black tea and chocolate.

(Note: these food lists are not complete.)

How do you find out this information about yourself?

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