Saturday, September 12, 2009

Challenge Yourself To Commit To Your Healthy Eating Goals

Here's a program that will help you get where you want to go - in 100 days.

This is a great opportunity to commit to your health. Are you up for the challenge?

Yours in health,

Christine H. Farlow, D.C.
Your Personal Online Healthy Eating Coach

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Healthy Eating From the Inside Out and the Outside In

Did you know that you feed your body in more ways than putting food in your mouth?

Most people think that eating is the only way to feed your body - unless you're too sick to eat, then you get your food by IV instead of by mouth.

But that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm sure you've heard of the nicotine patch, the birth control patch or other patches used medically to get drugs into your body. These drugs are delivered through your skin into your bloodstream.

That doesn't work only for drugs.

A great deal of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream. What you put on your skin is feeding your body. So why would you want to put chemicals on your skin that you wouldn't eat? Chemicals that you don't want in your body should not be used on your skin.

But, in fact, that is exactly what's in a great deal of the cosmetics, skin care and body care products on the market.

Are you as careful about what you feed your skin as you are about the food you eat? Or maybe could you do better at both?

You may have read recently that cancer-causing chemicals have been found in body care products on the shelves of health food stores. Then later these same chemicals were found in body care products you buy in grocery, drug and department stores, even in baby products. In fact, just last month Johnson & Johnson was in the news for refusing to remove the cancer-causing chemicals from it's baby shampoo, the number one baby shampoo recommended by hospitals!

How do you know if the products you use on your skin are healthy or not?

I've made it easy for you to feed and nourish your skin with only healthy skin care and body care products.

Dying To Look Good "Best Brands" has just been released.

Dying To Look Good "Best Brands" lists safe and healthy cosmetics, skin care and body care products in 28 different categories, by brand name, with links to the products on the company websites. There are also links to store locations for those products sold in stores. AND many of the companies offer discounts to Dying To Look Good "Best Brands" members. Learn more.

Make sure you're feeding and nourishing your skin with only healthy skin care products. If you act fast, Men's Care is one of the categories of products in the first week, just in time for Father's Day. Help the men you care about nourish their skin too!

If you're not doing as well as you should in the healthy eating - food - department, then why not take advantage of the FREE Healthy Eating e-Class. It's a step-by-step program designed to help you succeed at eating healthfully if you follow the program. Go to and fill in the form that glides onto the screen before you can get into the site.

These are two ways that you can help to make yourself healthier from the inside out and the outside in!

Yours in health,

Christine H. Farlow, D.C.
Your Personal Online Healthy Eating Coach

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Health Revolution Petition

Today, was the launch of the much-anticipated Health Revolution Petition.

This petition is a groundbreaking new petition that calls for real, revolutionary health freedom reforms in America! If its provisions are enacted, it would:

  • End FDA tyranny and oppression of natural product companies
  • End the persecution of alternative medicine and healing arts practitioners
  • Ban GMOs in the food supply and require honest labeling of irradiated foods
  • Protect America from CODEX "harmonization"
  • Allow full income tax deductions for ALL health-related expenditures (herbs, supplements, gym memberships, etc.)
  • Provide $350 a month in health care credits to each U.S. resident, allowing them to spend it on the health-enhancing products and services of their choice
  • End mandatory vaccination policies across America
  • Restore honest science to the FDA's review of drugs
  • Require the open publication of all drug trials
  • End Big Pharma's bribery of doctors
  • Hold drug company CEO's criminally liable for the harm caused by drugs they advertise to consumers
  • Restrict the advertising of junk foods and soda pop to children
  • Ban man-made, non-natural chemicals in personal care products
  • Invest in disease prevention and consumer education about nutrition
  • Protect the environment from dangerous drugs that pollute the water supply

... and more. If you believe in these things, and you are a resident or citizen of the USA, then please ...

Sign the Health Revolution Petition now!