Friday, December 29, 2006

It's Time For Healthy Ice Cream

"Ice structuring protein" (ISP). Definition: "anti-freeze" food additive to keep ice cream from crystallizing if it melts and is refrozen.

ISP is a new genetically engineered (GE) food additive being added to Breyer's and Good Humor ice cream. Like all GE ingredients, there's no way to tell from the name or reading the label if the ingredient is GE or not.

This new ingredient has NOT been tested for safety. Safety results submitted to the FDA were from a different GE fish protein of a different sub-species. This is an ingredient to avoid.

It's time to consider home-made ice cream!

I bought an ice cream maker a couple weeks ago and made the vanilla ice cream from the Nourishing Traditions cookbook. It was the best vanilla ice cream my family had ever tasted. It was easy to make and it only took 30 minutes. You can even make fancy flavors by adding some of your favorite fruits, nuts or other healthy ingredients.

Now. ice cream is not a food you should eat too much of. But made with healthy ingredients, it's a treat you can enjoy occasionally.

Learn more about healthy food.

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