Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Warning - Hotdog, Bacon and Sausage Lovers!

Eating processed meat can increase your risk of bowel cancer.

It takes just one small sausage a day or 1.8 ounces of any processed meat, according to a new study, to increase your risk of colon cancer by 20%.

In addition to hotdogs, bacon and sausages, processed meats include ham, salami, pastrami and deli meats - turkey, chicken, ham, roast beef and bologna. Most of these meats are preserved with cancer-causing nitrites.

Although some people say that eating meat in itself increases your risk of cancer, that isn't always true. If meat is prepared properly, cooked at low temperatures in the oven, meat can be a healthy protein option.

Nourishing Traditions, one of my favorite cookbooks teaches you how to prepare traditional foods, including meats and desserts, in a healthy manner.

It is always wise to include a lot of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables in your diet, 50-75% is optimal. Start off lunch and dinner with a dinner plate full of raw salad with at least seven different raw vegetables. Dress it with extra virgin olive oil and raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice. Season it with your favorite herbs and a little good salt like Celtic Sea salt. Follow with your meat, and steamed starchy and non-starchy vegetables.

Get more healthy eating tips here...

Take advantage of the April Special for Healthy Eating: For Extremely Busy People Who Don't Have Time For It.

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