Thursday, September 30, 2010

Green Smoothie

This is a healthy drink to start off your day or for a refreshing snack.

1/2 - 3/4 cup fresh or frozen mango, cut in chunks
1-2 tablespoons fresh or frozen pineapple
2-3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1 raw egg, organic, free range
1 cup plain, whole milk yogurt, organic, hormone and antibiotic free
2 cups of fresh, organic greens, just the leafy part (kale, chard, spinach, collards, dandelion, etc.)

Thaw frozen fruit overnight in the refrigerator. Before blending the ingredients, warm the fruit to room temperature or above 76º F.

Add coconut oil to the fruit. Above 76º F, the coconut oil will be liquid. Mix the fruit and coconut oil together until the oil remains liquid.

Warm the egg to room temperature.

Put the raw egg into a blender or VitaMix (A VitaMix is much quicker than a blender).

Add the fruit and coconut oil mixture. Blend till creamy.

Next add the yogurt. Blend till completely mixed.

Last, add the greens. If using a blender, make sure the greens are broken into small pieces. If using a VitaMix, they can be added whole.

If you use a blender, it will take a bit longer to blend completely to a creamy consistency. With the VitaMix, it's pretty quick.

With the amounts of fruit and greens in this recipe, you can taste the greens a little. I like it that way. However, if you would prefer not to taste the greens, you can add more fruit. You can vary the types of fruit according to your taste.


This is a great way to get these healthy greens into your family's diet.

This Kid Really Gets It!

Watch this video and get inspired to get your kids and your whole family on the path to healthier eating.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Salmon Lovers Beware!

The FDA is getting ready to approve genetically engineered salmon and it won't be labeled. It will be up to you to guess if the salmon you're buying is genetically engineered or not.

Read the article.

As we've seen frequently in the recent and distant past, the FDA has a history of making decisions that are not in the best interest of the consumer, but rather in the interest of the industry. In fact, a statement made by Former FDA Commissioner, Dr. Herbert Ley, makes it real clear that the FDA is not interested in protecting you...

"The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day."

That's right from the horses mouth.

So, now that you know that the FDA has no interest in protecting you, but is committed to protecting the profits of big business, it's up to you to protect yourself.

Here are some links to resources to help you protect yourself.

Healthy Eating
Food Additives
Healthy Eating Bookstore

Order the "Essential Cuising - Healthy Cooking Classes" 6 DVD set from today

Monday, September 13, 2010

Making Healthy Eating Easy

Have you ever thought that you should eat healthier, but have put it off because of the time it would take to figure it out?

Here are some tools to make healthy eating easy for you:
These tools are easy to use. And if you follow the program in the healthy eating e-class, you will be eating healthfully in no time at all!

Friday, September 03, 2010

Choosing Your Eggs

The latest egg recall is just another case of poor practices of factory farming causing contamination. It's not the eggs that are bad for you, it's where they come from and how they are handled. Even organic eggs purchased from a store may be cause for caution.

Your best bet, buy locally grown, organic free range eggs.

Read the article here.

Get an insiders view about chicken farms in the movie, Food Inc.

Learn more about healthy eating here.

Gluten-Free Not Just For Celiacs

Gluten is a protein in certain grains that can cause an inflammatory reaction in your body. In those with Celiac's Disease, it triggers an "immune reaction that damages the small intestine and prevents absorption of nutrients."

You don't have to have Celiac's Disease to be affected by gluten. Gluten Intolerance is said to be more wide spread than most people are aware of.

Read the article here.

Gluten-containing grains include:
  • wheat
  • rye
  • barley
  • kamut
  • spelt
  • triticale
  • bulgur
  • durum
  • semolina
Learn more about healthy eating.