These are very good questions, and you'll probably be surprised at the answers.
There are some less than honorable egg farmers out there producing "Bogus" organic eggs and calling them "Organic." Read the article here to get the full definition of "Bogus" organic eggs.
How do you know if the organic eggs you buy are the real thing or the oh-so-common "Bogus" organic eggs?
The Cornucopia Institute created an "Organic Egg Scoreboard" and rated them on housing and outdoor space for roaming and feeding. The rating system is from 1 to 5 stars, 5 being the best.
Some of the common organic brands found in Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Safeway, WalMart and other popular grocery stores scored only in the 1 star category - "Bogus Organic Eggs."
Are you eating any of these "Bogus Organic " brands?
* Trader Joes Organic
* Safeway's O Organic
* Costco's Kirkland Signature
* A&P's Green Way
* Walmart's Great Value
* Whole Foods 365 Organic
* Land O'Lakes
* Horizon Organic
* Garden Valley
* Eggland's Best
* Chino Valley Ranchers
These are only a few of the "Bogus" brands.
A couple of the 3 star brands - rated "very good"
* Clover Organic Farms
* Organic Valley
The 5 star farms are small to medium family farms. Most of those brands I've never seen in the health food markets where I shop and actually have never heard of.
See the entire Organic Egg Scorecard.
Now's the time to start scrutinizing the brand of eggs you buy. It's obvious by this study that organic on the carton, even certified organic may not really be true organic.
Learn more about healthy eating.
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