Monday, August 25, 2008

Trans Fat News

The trans fats found in processed foods have received a lot of negative publicity lately and are being removed from many of the packaged foods on the market.

Trans fats are typically found in foods as partially hydrogenated fats and oils. Recent research has shown trans fats to be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, non-agressive prostate tumors and infertility in women.

Beware of labels that say "No Trans Fats!" Read the ingredients to make sure there really are no partially hydrogenated fats or oils. Manufacturers are legally allowed to say no trans fats if there is less than .5 grams per serving.

The food industry's solution to the trans fat fiasco is to replace them with what are called interesterified fats, or fully hydrogenated fats. Not only are these fats not a solution, but they may cause your HDL cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol, to drop even more than the trans fats. In addition, they may raise blood sugar, contributing to diabetes.

Again read the label to make sure there are no hydrogenated or interesterified fats in the product.

There is one kind of trans fat that is good for you. It's the natural trans fat found in meat and butter. The natural trans fats have been found to lower your risk for diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Enjoy your butter and know that animal fats are not the bad guys they have been made out to be! The best animal fats are from organic raw milk and dairy products and organic grass fed meat.

Read more about healthy food.

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