Friday, May 30, 2008

Food Matters

New documentary on healthy food, the importance of good nutrition and the disastrous failure of our medical/sick care system.

A must see for anyone interested in real health!

This really needs to be spread around to educate people about how they are killing themselves by their food and sick care choices. And most importantly that there is a better way. They can be healthy ... and drugs are not the answer.

Watch the trailer here:

ID="imgFlashNotAssoc" WIDTH='220' HEIGHT='300' VIEWASTEXT>

WIDTH='220' HEIGHT='300' TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"

You can view the movie online or purchase the DVD. It's well worth it.

It's a similar format as The Secret; very well done.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Help Get MSG Banned!

John Erb, author of The Slow Poisoning of America has petitioned the FDA to get MSG banned. That petition is now open for public comment at

You can read John's petition at the above link. All his points are supported by research studies. I've posted my comments as well.

MSG is a neurotoxin. It causes obesity, diabetes, excites nerve cells to death and more. It's in almost all processed food, even organic. It's in virtually all fast food. Even if you don't eat fast food, you probably know and care about a lot of people who do.

If you buy anything in a package - box, bottle, jar or can - you're probably eating MSG without even knowing it, if you don't know all the names it hides under.

The state of health in this country is abysmal. Removing this one toxic ingredient from our food supply would be one giant step in the direction of improving the health of the people in this country.

Please share any comment you have with the FDA, and if you could, pass this on to your network, the more comments we have the better!

Thanks for helping make our food supply safer.